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8 Tips on How to Store Your Rugs and Carpets in a Storage Unit

storing rugs and carpets

Oftentimes we may think that storing rugs and carpets is as simple as folding them and finding a shelf or cabinet to store them in. But there are actually proper ways for you to be able to store all of them without losing their quality in the long run. If you have been storing a lot of things in your storage unit or even just at home, you would know that everything you store can attract pests or incur damage if not stored properly; and the same goes with your rugs and carpets. If not attended to or stored properly, they can lose shape and wear out.

So without further ado, we will be giving you tips that will help you store your rugs and carpets in a storage unit

1. Clean Your Rugs and Carpets

clean your rugs and carpets

Your rugs and carpets have to be thoroughly cleaned before you put them up for storage. Use a vacuum cleaner to scoop out all the tiny dust particles that were left on them. Take note as well that if your rugs and carpets are made of delicate materials, it’s best to vacuum them carefully, so you won’t ruin their quality. 

Cleaning your rugs and carpets is not just limited to vacuuming. You can also check if there are any specifications from the manufacturer on how to properly clean them. It will depend on what type of materials were used, so be mindful of the cleaning tools you will use.

2. Roll Instead of Fold

roll carpet and rugs instead of fold

When storing any of your rugs and carpets, never fold them, roll them instead. Folding them can cause them to lose shape and create creases. As you roll them, remember to have the more delicate part of the rug or carpet facing inward, while the less delicate part or the fiber part facing the outer back part. 

3. Wrap Them Properly

wrap rugs and carpets properly

Extra layers of protection is always helpful when you are storing belongings for quite some time in a storage unit. Wrapping your rugs and carpets can prevent dirt and pests from coming onto them. After rolling them, wrap them up with fabric cloth and see to it that they are covered from top to bottom. Take note as well that the fabric has to be breathable. Avoid using plastic to wrap your rugs because this will stop air from circulating and keep them from breathing. 

4. Protect Them From Pests

protect from pest

Your rugs and carpets are not safe from pests, so might as well protect them by applying insect or moth repellent that are especially made for fabrics. Doing this will not only protect your rugs and carpets, but it will also help keep your storage unit pest proof. 

5. Store in a Dry Place

store in a dry place

See to it that all your rugs and carpets are stored in a cool, dry place. To maintain the temperature inside your storage unit, you can opt for a climate-controlled unit. This helps control the humidity inside the storage unit and keep your belongings safe from such temperature fluctuations. 

6. Keep Them in a Shelf

keeping rugs and carpets in a shelf

Storing your rugs and carpets in a shelf will not only help organize them, but it will also keep them from being placed directly to the ground. Storing them on a shelf will protect them from the moisture that they might get from the ground. This will also keep your rugs and carpets safe from insects and rodents. 

7. Avoid Placing Anything on Top 

avoid placing anything on the top

The form of your rugs and carpets are important. Without proper care, they can easily be deformed. So when you are storing them in your storage unit, do not place anything on top of them, especially boxes and other heavy items. Doing this can cause them to lose their form. 

8. Check for Damages Every Other Month

check every other month

A regular visit to check your belongings wouldn’t hurt. In order to maintain the form and quality of your rugs and carpets, we suggest that you check for damages every other month when you come and visit your storage unit. Checking for damages can help prevent further problems on your belongings. 

We hope that these tips will help you in storing your rugs and carpets in a storage unit. 
Looking for a self-storage unit nearby to store your belongings? Contact us today and we will be glad to assist you!