Blogs, Tips and Tricks

Tips in Making Your Home Christmas-Ready

home christmas ready

We are just a few months away from Christmas and after everything that has happened throughout the first half of the year because of the pandemic, it has definitely changed our daily lives into what we call now as “new normal.” Celebrating with our loved ones has really changed since the crisis, but it doesn’t have to affect how we are going to prepare for Christmas. You can still decorate your home and make it feel all ‘Christmassy’ just like how it was before. So here are tips to help you make your home Christmas-ready.  

1. Start With Decluttering


What’s a good old preparation without some decluttering, right? As the year comes to an end, there sure are a lot of spaces in your home that need to be decluttered. Check your working area, bedroom, kitchen, and basically every room, so that you don’t miss out anything. Shelves, drawers, and cabinets are usually the spaces at home where you can find clutter. 

Take note that as you declutter, you will still find things that you don’t want to throw yet, but the space rather limits you to keep them. So in this case, it’s advisable for you to find a space or a place to store them. Some people resort to leaving just enough room in the house to store the stacked up boxes of their belongings, while some opt for a storage space rental. Self-storage is a convenient alternative for people who have storage problems at home or even in the office. You can safely store the belongings you decluttered at home in a storage unit and come get it when the need arises. 

2. Clean Your Indoors and Outdoors

clean indoors and outdoors

After you have decluttered, it’s now time for you to clean your home! And we are not just talking about your indoors, but also your outdoors. Getting your home Christmas-ready involves a lot of preparations and you definitely can’t miss out on cleaning it. Whether you are going to invite a lot of guests or just a few, it’s still best to maintain a clean surrounding at home. 

You can start with your kitchen as that particular area will be used the most during the Christmas season because of all the cooking preparations. Next, you can clean the living room, dining area, bathroom, and bedrooms. After you are done with indoor spaces, you can now focus on cleaning your outdoor space. If you have a garden or a designated place for all your plants outside, this will be a good time for you to water them, re-plant, take-out growing weeds on the side, or maybe sweep dried leaves that caused such mess outside of your house. Keep in mind as well that you need not do all of these things in one go. Set a day for each task to be done, so you won’t overwhelm yourself with too much cleaning. 

3. Choose a Theme

choose a theme

If you don’t usually have a theme for your Christmas celebration, why not start now? Be creative! Choose a theme that will help liven up your home for the holidays. If you usually stick with red and green, try matching other colors this time or try combining these colors with other bright ones.

Choosing a theme also involves the decorations you will be putting all over your house, so make sure you have decided on which ones will go together and what you want your home to look like before you splurge on buying items to decorate your home with. 

4. Set Up the Decorations

set up decorations

To make everyone feel the Christmas vibe, set up the decorations! There’s something about seeing your home or any place with Christmas decorations all over. It somehow lightens up the mood of people and enlivens the whole place. Set up the Christmas tree and decorate it with your chosen theme for this year’s celebration. Next, you can hang different decorations of your choice in the living room, dining area, and even the kitchen. Don’t forget your outdoors. Make sure you also have some decorations to set up in your outdoor area.

5. Stock up Food for the Celebration

stock up foods for celebration

Whether you are going to entertain a lot of guests or just family members this year, it’s still better to stock up some food for the celebration. Despite the restrictions in social gatherings because of the pandemic, this doesn’t mean you can’t cook for your loved ones.  After all, this is a season of giving.

6. Get the Family to Work Together

family work together

You didn’t think you would be doing all of these things alone, right? Of course, not! Preparing for the holiday season will be much more fun if you are doing it with the help of your family. Designate a task per family member, so things will move at a faster pace. You will also see better results as there is teamwork coming from everyone.

7. Brighten Up Your Home

brighten up your home

Light up your home with Christmas lights to complete the bright and warm feels of the holiday. Aside from lanterns, garlands, Christmas balls, etc. that’s hanging in your home, these lights will definitely set the sparkle. 

Despite everything that has happened throughout the year, we hope that you can still celebrate the Christmas season with joy in your hearts. As you make your home Christmas-ready, take this time to relax and enjoy with your family.

In need of a self-storage unit for your belongings as you declutter for the holiday season? Contact us today and we will be glad to assist you!