A lot of us have storage space problems at home and even in the office. This is why self-storage units have been very helpful for people who are in need of storage space. Yes, they can be of good use, but you still have to do your part and prepare your belongings for storage. But how can you do that? Well, in this article, we will be listing down practical self-storage tips for you.
1. List Down What You Need

When you are preparing for something, especially if you know that it will include a lot of things, you need to make a plan. And this also goes with preparing your belongings for storage. List down what you need to prepare first before you pack everything and store them safely in your storage unit. Start with items you will be putting up for storage. This will serve as an inventory for you, so that you know which items are included in the storage. You can also list down the packing materials you will need, such as boxes, packing tapes, bubble wraps, packing paper, etc. Create a system that best suits your needs. That way, you will have something to follow through and it will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed at the start of preparation.
2. Don’t Forget to Declutter

Decluttering is very important whether you are storing your belongings in your own home or office. In this case, decluttering also applies when you are going to store your belongings in a self-storage unit. So don’t skip this part! This will not only help you free-up space, but it will also help you know which ones you have to throw out and which ones still need to be kept and put up for storage.
3. Use Proper Container Boxes

When storing your belongings in a storage unit, you have to store them in proper container boxes. There are different box sizes that you can choose from to be able to store your things. Avoid storing your belongings inside old and used boxes because this will cause your items to easily wear out. Also, only fill the box with its weight capacity and do not go over it. Keep it just partially full, so that it will not be bulky and hard to carry. Label each box accordingly with their designated items inside.
4. Clean Everything You Put Up for Storage

Take note that every one of the things you will store in your storage unit needs to be cleaned first. Storing your things without cleaning can cause damage and can easily wear them out while inside the storage unit. If you are going to store pieces of furniture, make sure that they are wiped clean with proper cleaning tools to avoid certain damages in the long run. The same goes with your clothes. Have them washed and properly dried before packing them for storage. Remember that every item you will store needs to be both clean and dry.
5. Take Note of Frequently Accessed Items

When you arrange your things inside your self-storage unit, make sure to place the items or the container boxes that you will frequently access in an area where you can easily reach them. Doing this will make it easy for you to get what you need without going through the hassle of plunging at every box you see to check if it contains the items you are looking for.
6. Pack Fragile Items With Care

Fragile items always require extra care. This is why when you include breakable items in the things that you will put up for storage, see to it that they are packed safely. Wrap them using bubble wraps or packing paper to keep them from bumping into other items inside the box that they are stored in. Do not put other non-breakable solid items with your fragile ones to avoid the latter from breaking or incurring scratches. You can put a fragile tape on the box to serve as a notice or you can just label them using a marker, so that you know it contains breakable items.
7. Maximize Your Self-Storage Space

Maximize your self-storage space by making use of shelves to store your belongings. This will not only help add extra space, but it will also help you maintain an organized unit for everything you will be putting up for storage. Although, take note as well that maximizing your self-storage space doesn’t mean that you will keep every space occupied to the point where there’s not enough room for your belongings to breathe. So make sure to leave some space, especially for the furniture you will be storing.
Tip: Dismantle your furniture pieces such as bed frames and some chairs, tables, and bookshelves that you can do that to. This will help save space and make room for other things to be stored.
8. Keep Your Self-Storage Pest Proof

Self-storage facilities usually have pest control in order to maintain a pest-free storage for you. But it’s also best that you do your part in keeping your storage unit clean, so that it will not attract pests. You can start by not storing or including any perishable or food items in your storage unit. These items are not allowed inside your storage unit, so take note of that. Clean the unit before you start storing anything in it. Keep in mind that a dirty storage space will only attract rodents and insects, so be sure that there are no food crumbs or anything that will cause them to hover over your belongings. If you are going to store clothes, use new and clean boxes and put cedar balls, as this will help deter insects.
9. Use Protective Layers for Each Item

Another tip you can do is to use wood pallets to raise your stored items from the ground. Doing this will preserve them as they are not placed directly to ground, and this will also keep pests from coming to them. The wood pallets will serve as a protective layer for your stored items. You can do this when you store wooden furniture, so that they are not directed towards the humidity of the ground. You can also use drop cloths to cover them and keep them safe from dust.
10. Take it One Step at a Time

Preparing your things for storage can be a bit overwhelming, especially because it takes time to do all of it. But you have to remind yourself that you can do all of these things one step at a time. We suggest that you start ahead, so that you don’t have to cram in preparing and packing everything that you will put up for storage.
We hope that these self-storage tips will help you get started in packing your things for storage!
In need of a self-storage unit nearby to store your belongings? Contact us today and we will be glad to assist you!