Moving out of the house can be tiring and stressful at the same time because you’re faced with all the responsibilities of having to pack everything accordingly before the set date to move out. Tiring and stressful, yes, but who says that’s all there is when you’re packing to move out?
So don’t leave just yet, because we have listed down ways to help make packing easy for you as you move into a new home.
1. Declutter to Prepare

By declutter to prepare, we mean that you have to dispose of the things that aren’t essential to you or your household, and only keep the ones you actually need in order to prepare you for the packing process. The items that you consider as clutter might not be useful to you anymore, but they may be useful to others. So a good tip is to donate or sell them, that way, you won’t be wasting anything because someone else will make use of it. And for the items that can’t be sold or donated, simply throw them away. Decluttering beforehand lessens the load of things you have to pack, plus it helps you know which ones can already be packed in the box.
2. Make Use of the Time to Pack

Don’t trick yourself into thinking that you can pack everything a week before, or even a few days before because that will only stress you out even more. Make use of the time you can set aside to pack each day.
- You can start by packing per room, so you can avoid mix ups and confusion in sorting the items.
- Avoid including items from other rooms in one box. Make sure that each room will have their own box to fill. By doing this, you’re helping yourself for the unpacking process because it will save you the trouble of having to look for items that were included in the box of other rooms.
3. Use Moving Boxes

As you pack to move out, it’s important that you use moving boxes. Buy good moving boxes, so you can properly store your belongings inside.
- Don’t settle for used grocery boxes and the ones that were used to store other items beforehand. Since they were already used, they might not be as durable to be able to carry the weight of your belongings. Plus, the used boxes might not be clean, so you also have to consider that.
- Make sure that there are no wasted spaces inside the box as you store your belongings, but don’t overpack them either. Balance it out by maximizing the storage space and at the same time give enough room for each item to be properly stored inside the box.
4. Take Note of the Labels

What you put on the moving boxes is also important as it helps you know what items have been stored inside the box. You have to properly label each box according to the area they should be placed in and the items that were stored inside (KITCHEN: Cooking and Eating Utensils, MASTERS BEDROOM: Blanket, Pillow Covers, Bedsheets, etc), so you won’t be confused when you unload them in your new home. You can also have the labels color coded by using different colored markers if you’d like. It’s up to you on how you’ll be able to label them in order for you to easily pack and unpack.
5. Consider Which Ones Go Together

Another way to make packing easy for you is to sort out which ones go together. This helps you know which ones you should pack first and which ones you should pack last. The ones that you don’t normally use daily can be packed first and the ones that you use daily can be packed at a later time. Sort them out according to their importance and category.
Reminder: Important documents as well as other valuables should not be packed and stored inside the boxes along with other items.
6. Take Note of Hazardous Items

Not all items can be packed and stored inside a box or together with other items. Take note of some of the hazardous household items that you need to be extra careful in packing:
- Pesticides
- Paint
- Batteries
- Flammable Items (match, lighter fluid, kerosene, charcoal, etc)
- Cleaning Chemicals
- Perishable Goods
7. Organize Your Way of Packing

Organizing systematically matters even in packing up your things to move out. It doesn’t just stop at decluttering, using boxes, and labeling. Here are other ways you can do as you pack your belongings:
- For small items such as accessories and jewelries, you can get a small container with a cap or lid to store them together properly. Accessories like necklaces that easily get entangled, you can use a small towel or cloth and lay them flat, then roll them up. Like your important documents, these ones should not be stored inside the box along with other items.
- For fragile items such as glass dishes, vases, and other breakable items, you have to be extra careful. Observe proper sanitation and care in packing your glass dishes by using packing paper or bubble wrap instead of newspaper to wrap them up. Align them vertically inside the box and not horizontally, as this will keep the dishes from pressing their weight on one another. You can opt to use newspapers to wrap other breakable items that are not sensitive to ink blots.
- You can use small clothes (t-shirt), linens, or towels to wrap other small or fragile items. This will keep your small and fragile items safe. It will save you money because you’ll get lesser boxes and also save you time in packing.
8. Avoid Procrastination

Your packing will be made easy if you set everything in order and avoid procrastinating. Once you start loading up the boxes, you have to continue on, so that you will not dilly-dally along the process. Getting started earlier than expected will prevent mispacking and misplacing your belongings.
It might feel like there’s a lot of things that you need to consider to make packing easy, but as you follow through these ways, you’ll see that they really made packing and moving out easy for you.
Do you need to shop for materials to help you pack? We got you covered! Contact us today for your storage space needs.