Tips and Tricks

How to Store Your Painting Collection

how to store painting collection

Storing our belongings differ in terms of how fragile and how valuable they are to us. So if we’re someone who doesn’t have that much interest in artwork, then we’d probably stack them up and keep them inside a storage box or a cabinet. Storing our painting collection also requires proper care in order for their quality to be preserved and avoid getting damaged.

We have listed ways for you to take note of as you store your painting collection:

1. Prepare a Designated Place for Storage

designated place for storage

Before storing your painting collection, you have to ensure a proper place for them to be stored. For artwork lovers and collectors, preparing a place for their painting collection to be stored wouldn’t be a problem. But if you’re a newbie in the art collecting department, you should definitely take note of these tips. 

If you have an extra closet or an unoccupied small room at home, you can opt to turn them into a storage space for your painting collection. See to it that no air passes through those storage spaces. This is to keep the air from blowing directly at the artwork. Closed doors will do good to your painting collection because it will avoid having dust fly on them. Another one is you should make sure that the storage space you provided is clean and dry, so you can avoid molds and foul smells from creeping onto the artwork.

2.Document Each One of Them

document each of them

By documenting each one of your paintings, you’ll be able to keep track of which paintings are going to be stored, as well as their condition and content when they were put up for storage. This will serve as an inventory for your painting collection.

3. Clean Them Before You Store Them

clean them

Cleaning the storage space for your painting collection isn’t enough because you have to make sure that you clean each artwork before they go to storage. Not cleaning them before storing them could cause problems with the quality of the artwork.

You can clean and preserve them by doing these:
  • Wipe them using a microfiber cloth to remove dust particles on hard surfaces of the artwork. But in cases where the artwork will be stored for a longer period of time, you can opt to use a metal polish or a wood polish to clean the hard surfaces, as it will help keep the artwork away from dust and rust. 
  • You can preserve them by protecting them. For a more expert care on your painting collection, try using a crescent board when you store them. The crescent board will help properly separate one artwork from another, and keep them from touching each other. 
  • Don’t just stack them up! Make sure to give enough space for each artwork to breathe.

4. Consider the Temperature

consider temperature

In considering the temperature, you have to take note of the humidity and heat that will fill your painting collection’s storage space. An acceptable temperature to store your artwork would be 70 to 75 degrees fahrenheit with the humidity ideally around 40 to 50%. Too much humidity or any intense temperature can cause your painting collection to easily crack or deteriorate its quality. 

All of the things that we have at home require proper storage. It would require patience and time to store a painting collection, but in doing so, we’ll be able to see the importance of storing them properly when we get to see them again after storing them for quite a while. 

We hope that this article was informative and helpful for your painting collection storage. 

StorageMart has selected facilities with climate controlled units to cater to more sensitive items such as paintings and leather goods. Our climate controlled units both have air conditioning systems as well as dehumidifier to ensure that the proper climate is kept no matter what the climate is outside. 

For more info about our climate controlled storage space in the Philippines, contact us today!