Organizing your self-storage unit will not be complete without boxes to store up your belongings, may it be for safely storing them on a long term basis or just for organizational purposes. This is why choosing the right storage box should not be compromised and must be done to ensure the safety of your belongings.
When you buy boxes, you will find that they actually come in different sizes as they have different purposes. At times we may think that it’s fine to simply throw random things inside a box and then put them up for storage, but it is actually not. You have to know what kind of box you need for every kind of belonging you will put up for storage.
In this article, we will help you choose the right storage boxes for your belongings.
Types of Storage Boxes
1. Cardboard Boxes

This type of box is the most common one you will see and even the first one you will think of when it comes to storage. They are affordable, lightweight, easy to pack, stack up, and label, that’s why a lot of people prefer to use them during a move out.
Although, if you are thinking of storing your belongings on a long term basis, make sure to invest in good quality cardboard boxes because those are the ones that do not easily wear out and are not prone to break down over time. So if you are using cardboard boxes to store your belongings at home, make sure that the space is clean and dry. The same goes if you are using this type of box for your self-storage unit, see to it that everything is kept well inside the box and the unit is climate-controlled or at least it is safe from getting wet, so that your things will be safe from damages caused by humidity, temperature fluctuations, etc.
2. Plastic Containers

Plastic containers are absolutely great to use for storage, especially if you are going for long term. You can easily stack them up and your belongings are safer inside because their covers are tightly capped, so humidity, dirt, pests, and rodents will not easily enter it. Plus, the material used to make this type of box is hard, that’s why you do not have to worry about rats making their way in.
Given the advantages of this type of box, it is also more expensive compared to cardboard boxes, but rest assured that they can be used for a longer period of time. Take note that if you are storing only for a short while, you need not purchase a lot of plastic containers because they are not as easy to break down like cardboard boxes. So to avoid spending too much on boxes that you do not need, make sure to do research on what type of boxes will best suit your need for storage.
3. Specialty Boxes

If you are putting up fragile belongings for storage, then specialty boxes are what you need. These boxes are designed to store specific items, and their sizes are made to store fragile items such as flat screen TVs, glass dishes, holiday decorations, etc. They are available in both plastic and cardboard materials. They are also more expensive than your typical storage box, so you really have to make use of them if you decide to buy them. But do not worry, they are definitely helpful if you need proper storage for breakable items, especially if it is on a long term.
Consider for the Size of the Box
After knowing the types of boxes available for the kind of storage you need, you would also have to look at the size of the box you will be purchasing for your belongings. By knowing the size of the box you are going to get, you will be able to see how much of your things can be put into storage. You will know how much storage space you have and will help avoid stacking up too many things inside.
- Medium Boxes
Medium boxes come in standard sizes of 18″ x 18″ x 16 inches. But it would be best not to maximize its weight capacity, so you can still carry the box. These boxes can hold small items, as well as other heavy items such as books, vases, glass dishes, picture frames, etc.
- Large Boxes
The size of a large box is 20″ x 20″ x 20 inches. They are used to store bigger and heavier items such as toys, clothes, kitchenwares like pots and pans, etc.
- Extra Large Boxes
Extra large boxes have a size of 24″ x 18″ x 24 inches. They are best suited to store wide and weighty items such as blankets, linens, curtains, small kitchen appliances, etc.
We hope that this article has helped you in choosing the right storage box for your storage needs.
Looking for boxes to help you store your belongings? Contact us today and we will be glad to assist you!
Good quality content, thanks for sharing