Have you ever entered your house thinking and feeling like everything’s a mess? And you just find yourself getting all annoyed and stressed by it. You start noticing that a lot of things from your living room, kitchen, bedroom, and even your dining area have piled-up stuff that you don’t even use at present. If there’s just too much of it and you’re not making use of it, there’s a big chance that they have already become a clutter to your home.
Why does clutter arise? For some, it could be a case of being messy and disorganized because they neglect throwing and cleaning out what needs to be cleaned at that time. And for a lot of people, it’s hoarding and keeping stuff they don’t need that makes the place full of clutter. Let’s be honest, we’re all guilty of having that tendency to keep stuff that we don’t need thinking: “I’ll keep this for future use.” But it doesn’t always go that way, does it? Once you keep it inside your drawer or cabinet, or pile it up together with other things, they end up being forgotten, hence becoming a clutter in the long run.
So what do we do with all the clutter? Simple, we declutter them. This goes the same with our health: if it’s not good for us, then it’s not good at all. Decluttering and making a clear space for your home has health benefits to it. Decluttering has been found to not just make your organizing and storage life easier, but it also has been found to be helpful to sort out our thoughts and emotions.
Without further ado, here is the list of the health benefits of decluttering:
1. Decluttering Reduces Anxiety Tendencies

Having and seeing clutters at home doesn’t directly say that it produces anxiety in people, but it does have an effect on our mood. It’s a given, especially when you come home after a long day to a messy house, you automatically feel mentally and emotionally scattered all over. This causes you to not be able to focus, making you feel anxious.
To avoid this, you have to practice decluttering one house area at a time. Store only what needs to be stored and throw what needs to be thrown. This way, it will leave less room for anxiety and leave more room for your mind to think in peace.
2. Decluttering Reduces Feeling of Stress

Being in a clutter-free space reduces the feeling of stress. It enables our minds to be free of distractions, making our mood better and focus conditions even better. Decluttering also relieves stress in a way that it takes your mind off from other things you’ve thinking of, and directing it towards the things you want to organize. This comes into result when you finally finish decluttering, and you see that all your hard work paid-off.
3. Decluttering Reduces Arguments

One way or the other, we have all experienced arguing with either our siblings or spouse about the clutter at home. It’s really an issue especially when your household is a combination of messy and clean people. That’s why, in such ways, decluttering helps reduce that tendency to argue about something that went missing or something that was messily stacked-up into piles. It doesn’t only make the house well-organized, but it also avoids arguments that will only lead to stress and tension which is not, in any way, healthy.
If you need more space for your belongings, getting a storage space rental for extra storage space is a good suggestion. That way, you wouldn’t have to worry about stressing each other out at home because of the storage space.
4. Decluttering Improves Health and Well-being

Decluttering doesn’t only help with our mental health, but it also improves our physical health. It allows you to throw out things that have already remained unused that invites dirt. Living in a place where there’s a lot of clutter can cause health issues, that at times, we don’t take note of. For some, this could trigger allergies and other respiratory problems. Also a cluttered home can be a home to unwanted pests that can definitely be carrier of germs and bacteria. Decluttering can help keep in check your storage areas of these health risks and hazards.
5. Decluttering Builds Self-Efficiency

Who would think that a simple act of decluttering would help build self-efficiency in us? But yes, it does! As we’ve mentioned, decluttering reduces stress and yields focus, this is why it pushes out our ability to think more rationally and decide without “clutter.” It helps develop our character of being organized and disciplined. With all of this it improves our ability to be efficient in taking on tasks and making decisions.
Deciding to declutter your home is a step towards a healthier you. We hope that reading this energized you to start decluttering today!
If you’re looking for a storage space unit in Manila, that can help you declutter out your things, contact us today and we’ll be glad to help you!